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This versatile program prepares you to teach in a variety of settings, combining theory and practice in preparing speakers of other languages to progress towards fluency in English.

MAT ESOL Testimonial

MAT ESOL student Omar Longus

Omar Longus

"Salem State's graduate MAT, ESOL program has helped me to become an active and involved member in the field and my community."


Program Overview

Explore Pathways to becoming a TESOL Educator

The master of arts in teaching English to speakers of other languages is a dynamic interdisciplinary program that is designed to prepare students to teach multilingual learners (MLs) in a variety of settings both within the United States and overseas.

If you have any questions about which program would be the best fit for you, please reach out to graduate admissions.

Students who wish to pursue a K-12 teaching license in ESL in Massachusetts may choose to follow our licensure track option, which includes a supervised 300-hour student teaching practicum in a K-12 setting. 


Coursework meets the licensure standards of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and those of CAEP/TESOL, including at least 75 hours of pre-practicum experiences and a 300-hour practicum. After a student’s pre-practicum experiences, he or she may choose to be licensed in grades PK-6 or 5-12. The student will then be placed for his or her practicum or student-teaching experience in the grade level of choice.  

A half-practicum is available for those with an initial license to teach in Massachusetts. Placements are made in collaboration with the McKeown School of Education to ensure the most appropriate placement in an ESL setting at a K-12 school.


The MAT ESOL licensure program leads to initial licensure in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to teach English as a second language in grades PK-12.  

We offer the opportunity to progress from your preliminary license through your professional license within one program. As soon as you pass your MTELs (state teacher licensure tests), you can apply for your preliminary license and begin your career as a classroom teacher. Once you have completed your core classes and student teaching, you will be endorsed for your initial license.

Upon completing your MAT and teaching for at least three years under your initial license, you will be eligible for your professional license. This means that graduates of our program can complete all licensure requirements without needing to pursue additional coursework.

*Please be aware that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts may change licensure requirements. Students are advised to contact the state for specific, current licensure requirements. Students may access that information at .

Students who wish to pursue careers in adult or community agencies or language schools in the United States or overseas may choose to follow our general track option, which includes experiential learning opportunities as part of the courses and a supervised field experience similar to a practicum. This track is also appropriate for those who may already have a license to teach ESL but do not yet have a master's degree.

Experiential Learning

The general track option includes a 50-hour supervised experiential learning experience within college or community adult ESL programs, including Salem State’s own non-credit ESL program. This supervised field experience will be completed at the end of the program. 

Salem State offers four unique pathways to prepare you for the next steps in your career teaching English to speakers of other languages: 

  • MAT, English to speakers of other languages, licensure track: for those seeking a master’s degree and initial licensure in the field of ESL in grades K-12 in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 

  • MAT, English to speakers of other languages, general track: for those seeking a master’s degree and wish to pursue a career teaching ESL in a college, adult, or community program or at a language school in the U.S. or overseas. This track is also appropriate for those who may already have a license to teach ESL but do not yet have a master's degree.

  • Licensure only, English to speakers of other languages: for those seeking initial licensure in the field of ESL in grades K-12, but not a master’s degree. 

  • Graduate certificate in teaching English to speakers of other languages: for those seeking a strong introduction to ESL teaching but not licensure.



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