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Dissemination & Publication

Disseminate Findings

An important step in the portfolio building process is the dissemination of research findings. Faculty should first consider their intended audience – who will benefit from the information. If the intention of the research is to develop new knowledge, the audience will likely be the academic community and dissemination to journals, conferences, and book chapters would be appropriate. On the other hand, if the research is community or socially based, the findings may also be shared via social media, blogs, etc. As with the development of the portfolio, faculty should begin with a plan for sharing their research.

  1. Develop a dissemination plan including your audience and methods
  2. Create awareness to gain exposure
  3. Determine availability of funding, both internally and externally
  4. Find collaborators, if appropriate and build networks
  5. Increase readership and citations
  1. SSU Faculty Research Day
  2. Publication
    1. Publish a ,
    2. Creating good
  3. Online:
    1.  â€“ upload papers; requires free account
    2. – publications and data; requires free account
    3. – data repository, publications, theses/dissertations; requires free account
    4. – archived theses; subscription required
    5. – public profiles by institution of publications and citations
  4. Blogs & Social Networks
  5. Conferences – Discipline-specific. Join professional organizations and target their regional, national and international conferences. Volunteer to present a webinar or write for their newsletters and website.

Dissemination & Publication links

Support for Presenting

Salem State faculty present their research and creative activities nationally and internationally, through conferences, symposia, exhibitions, workshops, round tables, and performances. Participation in these events allow faculty to keep current in their fields, engage with and influence intellectual, social, and artistic developments globally and locally, and bring innovative theories and practices to the campus and their students.

Support for Publishing

Our faculty are widely published in fields as diverse as criminal justice, sports movement science, history, and English, to name but a few; from single-author books and edited volumes to academic journals and op-ed pieces, traditional print media to open-access formats, faculty make an impact through their publications.

Open Educational Resources

Visit our guide for faculty to assist with finding and adopting quality Open Educational Resources that help reduce the cost of course materials for students.

Research Day

Each spring, faculty present work at the Faculty and Graduate Student Symposium as part of Research Day. This can be a great opportunity to share work in progress with colleagues or to mentor graduate students by co-presenting research. 

Digital Commons

Digital Commons provides electronic preservation and persistent access globally to the scholarly and creative works of the Salem State community, as well as the University's archives and special collections.

Public Scholarship

Salem State faculty serve as public intellectuals, regionally, nationally and internationally, sharing their expertise and insight on topics ranging from immigration to marine ecology. Increasingly, faculty participate in community based research which engages stakeholders across the region.

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