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School of Graduate Studies Fund

Promoting Student Success

Female student in cap and gown smiling at Commencement

Promoting Student Success

We’re committed to meeting every student where they are, affirming their goals and passions and fully supporting them in their quest to learn and graduate.


Dean's Statement

Lifelong learning—and leading

Rashid Abuelmaali smiling for a headshot
Rashid Abuelmaali '23G

“We need to support our students as they navigate college life because they already have so many responsibilities to juggle. Working in the first year experience office has
really helped me develop my own identity and has reinforced my work in my program.”

Jessica Patti wearing an orange cardigan
Jessica Patti '08, '09, '12G, '20G

“When you donate to Salem State, you are helping students fulfill the dreams they’ve always had for themselves. You are helping them become better versions of who they are.”

Michael Stockbridge wearing a blue sweater and looking down towards the camera
Michael Stockbridge '99, '01G

“I believe in people giving back, so long as they’re able. It’s important these days that people remember the significance of public higher education.”

Contact Us

Advancement, Alumni Association and Foundation

Tax identification number (EIN): 04-262-0632
331 Lafayette Street, 2nd floor
Salem, MA 01970
Mailing Address:
352 Lafayette St.
Salem, MA 01970
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