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Interdisciplinary Studies Statement on Racism

May 29, 2020

Interdisciplinary Studies Department Statement on Structural Racism, the Murder of George Floyd and Anti-Racist Work

The Interdisciplinary Studies Department stands in solidarity with our Black students, colleagues, neighbors and families. 

We stand in opposition to the embedded structures of anti-Black racism that have shaped this nation for four centuries. We recognize the unequal labor of people of color to live within such a system. 

We mourn the loss of Black lives at the hands of the state. We oppose the structural inequalities and racist policies that weaken Black bodies and souls and communities through educational, health, wealth and criminal justice disparities. 

We commit to anti-racist work in all that we do in our classes, in our programming, and in our public presence. There is no neutral. And please, hold us accountable. 

In solidarity:

Prof. Elizabeth Duclos-Orsello, Chair, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies

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