Salem State wants our students to feel their best, mind and body. Our counseling services offers free and confidential professional counseling or therapy to support student development and assist students with their mental health needs. Counseling and health services is located on the first floor of the Ellison Campus Center on North Campus.
How can I connect with a counselor on campus or make an appointment?
If you would like to connect with a counselor, please call?978-542-6413. Counseling and Health Services is open 8:30-5 pm M-F and closed on all university holidays and the weekends. Appointments are available by both zoom and in-person.
What do people talk about in counseling?
Counseling can help with a range of issues and anything that is causing you concern is appropriate to discuss with a counselor. Some common issues in college students include:
路 Adjusting to college
路 Anxiety or worry
路 Depression
路 Loneliness
路 Grief
路 Relationship problems
路 Cultural identity
路 Family difficulties
路 Low self-esteem
路 Managing stress
路 Issues with food
路 Difficulties with alcohol and other substances
路 Sexual concerns
路 Sexual and gender identity
What if I have a mental health emergency?
During normal business hours: If you have an urgent mental health situation during normal business hours, call or come to counseling services even if you do not have an appointment. Let us know that it is an urgent matter, and we will see you as soon as possible.
Anytime: Salem State has a new 24/7 Mental Health Support Line. If you are a student or speaking with a student who is having an urgent mental health concern or needs access to after-hours support, contact the confidential 24/7 mental health support line at 978.542.8327.
In an emergency, contact campus police at: 978.542.6111
What other resources are available if I need support?
There are a variety of resources available in the community including Local 24-hour support service, national resources, resources for veterans and members of the LGBTQ+ communities. View a full list of resources
No! Counseling services are confidential.