- Are you a student who aspires to work in supporting leadership roles of a hospital?
- Do you have a desire to create a career around clinical and business performance of healthcare facilities, increasing patient engagement and making informed strategic decisions?
- Are you an ambitious student who is excited to work in a healthcare non-profit in areas such as business operations, quality assurance, patient satisfaction, finance, marketing, advocacy, sales, human resources, IT, legal areas, or health information management?
Join the healthcare studies department to study a comprehensive curriculum of the healthcare discipline in addition to rigorous content through the university’s Bertolon School of Business in minors such as administration, management, or entrepreneurship. Other applicable minors may include professional writing, information technology, and media and communication studies. Students are well-prepared for graduate school as well as planning, directing, and coordinating the business activities of healthcare providers. Students interested in this field often join professional communities, including the Association for Healthcare Administrative Professionals (AHCAP) and American College of Healthcare Executives.
Careers and Minors
Careers in Healthcare Management and Administration
- Human Resources
- Quality Assurance
- Compliance
- Business Operations
- Patient Satisfaction
- Payroll/Billing
- Health Communication
Deanna Nasson '20
"I have learned a ton in my internship! I now understand ophthalmology since I am working at Mass Eye and Ear in the Ophthalmology Department. I am loving this experience and am now fluent in their medical terminology. I recently accepted a position as Program Coordinator of Ophthalmology with Mass Eye and Ear."
Lilybeth Solis '20
"Every day has been a learning experience at North Shore Medical Center. The new skills I have learned have helped me get ready for my professional career in healthcare administration. I have been introduced to the software used at the hospital including Epic and Kronos. I also have learned budgeting for staff. What I like most is seeing how non-clinical roles make a difference in patient care such as seeing how the staff works with nurses and aides to make sure there are enough clinical care for the number of patients on the floor."
%Projected job growth 2019-2029 for health service managers100
%Interested students obtain administrative/manager internship$100K
Medium pay per year for healthcare managers as of 2019.
Interested in pursuing a career in healthcare management and administration?