The research carried out by Salem State geological sciences students, faculty, and staff is enabled by modern facilities that support both classroom learning and scientific research.
- ThermoFisher Axia ChemiSEM scanning electron microscope (SEM) with Quasor II EDSB detector
- Isoprime 100 isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS)
- Elementar VarioMICRO Cube elemental analyzer (EA)
- ThermoFisher Niton XL5 Plus hand-held X-ray fluorescence analyzer (XRF)
- ThermoFisher Dionex Integrion high pressure ion chromatography (HPIC)
- Bartington MS2 magnetic susceptibility meter (surface and dual frequency)
- Leica petrographic microscopes
- Reactive Digital Systems Interactive Topographic Sandbox
- GIS and Remote Sensing Lab
Geophysical Equipment
- Trimble X7 3D laser scanning system
- GSSI SIR 4000 ground-penetrating radar (GPR)
- Syqwest StrataBox HD 3510 CHIRP sub-bottom sonar
- Syqwest AquaScan HD precision side scan sonar
- Geometrics SmartSeis Seismograph
- GSSI EMP-400 multi-frequency electromagnetic induction (EMI) profiler
- IRIS Instruments SYSCAL Kid resistivity meter
- Geometrics G-856 Memory Mag proton precession magnetometer
Sample preparation
- Mettler-Toledo XP6 microbalance
- Analytical balances
- Buehler PetroThin thin sectioning system
- Buehler Ecomet3 polisher
- Buehler Minimet polisher
- Spex 8000M mixer/mill
- Sepor Mini-Jaw rock crusher
- Labconco Freezone 4.5L freeze drying system
- RX-29 Ro-Tap
- Covington Engineering heavy duty slab saw
- Rock saws
- Millipore Synergy Ultrapure Type-I water purification system
GPS/GNSS and Surveying Equipment
- Trimble R12i GNSS system (sub-centimeter accuracy)
- Trimble TDC600 handheld GNSS data collectors
- Trimble TSC5 survey controller
- Lietz B2A and Bosch 32X automatic levels
- Leitz/Sokkisha SET3 and SET630R total stations
- Leitz/Sokkisha TS20A, TM10E and Nikon NE-10 digital theodolites
- Corvallis MicroTech DGPS HP-L4S
Field Sampling Equipment
- 24’ pontoon with moon pool and davit crane
- 14’ Jon boat
- 16’ V-hull boat
- Lewis chainsaw winch and tripod with 3-ton chainfall hoist
- Livingstone corer
- Kullenberg piston corer
- Aquatic Research Instruments universal gravity/percussion corer
- Vibracorer
- Freeze corer
- Young-modified VanVeen grab samplers (2.4 and 8.2L)
- Mora Coretax increment borer
- AMS slide hammer soil corer
- Eureka Manta 2.5 water quality multiprobe
- YSI 600XLM and 6600 multiparameter water quality sondes and sensors
- Aquatic Research Instruments 2.2L vertical point water sampler
- HOBO U20 Water Level Logger and optic USB base station
- Aquatic Research Instruments standard incremental core extruding apparatus
- Durham Geo TR-3000 storm water samplers